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发布时间:2020-01-11 14:48:04 分类:招考公告 作者:huanghongyuan 来源:中信证券


股票销售交易部-Equity Sales & Trading Department

The Equity Sales & Trading Department mainly provides sell-side investment research services. By integrating all product resources and proprietary fund advantages of the Company, it has gradually expanded i capital intermediary and equity sales businesses, providing full-range product sales and comprehensive financial service to specialized institutional clients both at home and abroad.


实习岗位方向:机构销售助理 Institutional Sales Assistant

实习工作地点:北京、上海、深圳 Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen

岗位职责说明1. 协助开发、服务、维护、拓展与国内外专业机构投资客户的业务合作关系,挖掘各类业务机会,创造各项业务收入;

Assisting in developing, serving maintaining and expanding business cooperation relationships with domestic and foreign institutional clients, discovering business opportunities and creating revenue;

2. 辅助完成客户的研究销售服务工作,分析客户动向和特征,组织路演等活动,满足客户需求;

3. 支持具体落实各类产品的销售;

Supporting the specific implementation of specific product sales;

4. 为国内销售业务线提供必要的海外市场支持和服务工作;

Providing necessary support and services for domestic business lines in overseas markets;

5. 收集整理客户信息,建立健全客户档案。

Collecting and sorting customer information, and establishing and improving client archives.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历;金融、经济、市场营销、理工类等相关专业,具有证券从业资格者优先考虑;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above, preferably with a finance, economics, marketing, science and engineering or related major, and qualified for practicing in the securities field;

2. 具备强烈的成就动机,较强的抗压能力及团队协作能力;

Strong motivations to achieve, quick learner with solid analytical skills;

3. 具备快速学习能力、良好的沟通表达能力、逻辑分析能力;

Fast learning ability, good communication skills and logical analysis ability;

4. 优秀的英语听说读写能力。

Excellent English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

5. 具有较强的合规、风险控制意识。

Strong awareness in risk control and compliance.

实习岗位方向:交易岗 Trader

实习工作地点:北京、上海 Beijing/Shanghai

岗位职责说明1. 支持交易相关工作,包括接收客户交易指令、交易执行、编辑日报、检查公告、追踪市场动向和交易情况、行业信息等;

Supporting trading-related tasks, including receiving execution orders from clients, trading executions, editing daily reports, tracking market movements and sector information;

2. 支持部门算法交易团队,包括研究、回测、优化交易执行策略,辅助交易执行策略的编程实现、性能优化,协助数据提取、整理、分析、制图等;

Supporting the algorithm trading team, including research, back testing, optimizing the coding of trading execution strategies, and performance optimization, and assisting in data extraction, sorting, analysis and graphing;

3. 根据市场动向和交易情况,随时与团队沟通对市场或个股判断,并向团队提出建议。

Advising and cooperating with the team on the judgements of individual stocks based on market movements and trading information.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历;财经、金融类或数学、计算机等理工类相关专业,具有证券从业资格者优先考虑;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above, preferably with a finance, economics, mathematics cis, science and engineering or related major, and qualified for practicing in the securities field;

2. 算法交易方向需具有较强的数理分析能力,有一定的编程能力,至少掌握Python或C++中的一种编程语言;

Excellent skills in mathematical analysis and programing skills, mastering at least Python or C++ for candidates seeking algorithm trading positions;

3. 具备踏实认真的工作态度及团队协作能力;

Team player with hard-working attitude and teamwork ability;

4. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析能力;

Strong communication skills, quick learner with solid analytical skills;

5. 优秀的英语听说读写能力;

Fluency in English, both verbal and written skills;

6. 具有较强的合规、风险控制意识。

Strong awareness of risk control and compliance.


股权衍生品业务线-Equity Derivative Business Line股权衍生品业务线是公司面向客户提供权益类产品交易的资本中介业务部门,为机构客户提供包括场外期权、境内收益互换、跨境收益互换等在内的场外衍生品交易服务,满足客户的全球资产配置,风险管理需求;为机构客户和零售客户提供挂钩权益类产品的收益凭证等结构化柜台产品,满足客户的财富管理,大类资产配置需求;为交易所交易的基金产品、场内期权产品提供流动性做市服务;为企业特定需求提供全流程的解决方案。

The Equity Derivatives Business Line is a capital intermediary business unit of the Company which provides equity product trading services to clients. It offers institutional clients with various

OTC equity derivatives trading services, including on-the-counter options, domestic total return swaps, cross-border total return swap, and so on, and can meet clients' global asset allocation and risk management needs. It provides institutional and retail clients with structured products, such as equity-linked income notes to meet clients’ wealth management and category asset allocation needs. It also provides market-making services for exchange-traded funds and exchange-listed option products. Besides, it provides whole-process solutions for specific needs of enterprises.


实习岗位方向:销售岗 Derivates Sales

实习工作地点:北京、上海、香港 Beijing/Shanghai/Hong Kong

岗位职责说明1. 协助开发、服务、维护机构客户的业务合作关系,挖掘与衍生品相关的业务机会,创造各项业务收入;

Assisting in the development, service, and maintenance of business partnerships with institutional clients, exploring business opportunities related to derivatives, and creating revenues from various businesses;

2. 协助完成客户KYC,了解客户交易需求并收集整理客户信息,建立健全客户档案。

Assisting in completing customer KYC, understanding customers' transaction needs, and collecting appropriate information to establish a robust customer data system.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2021 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济、金融、管理、会计等相关专业,具备一定的金融理论基础;

Majoring in economics, finance, management, accounting or related major, familiar with financial theory;

3. 优秀的英语听说读写能力;

Excellent English reading and writing skills;

4. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析能力,有较强的合规、风险控制意识。

Good communication and expression skills, fast learning ability, logical analysis ability, and good sense of compliance and risk control.

实习岗位方向:产品设计岗 Derivative Product Structuring

实习工作地点:北京、香港 Beijing/Hong Kong

岗位职责说明1. 持续开发基于客户需求的衍生品设计工作,包括但不限于场外期权,收益互换等新产品的设计;

Designing derivative products based on customers' needs, including but not limited to new products of OTC options and total return swaps;

2. 协助部门收益凭证的发行工作;

Assisting in the issuance of equity-linked notes;

3. 协助完成基于客户需求的指数编制工作。

Assisting in the development of customized indices.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济、金融、数学、计算机、电子工程等理工相关专业;

Majoring in economics, finance, mathematics, computer science, electronic engineering or other related science and engineering majors;

3. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析与统计分析能力;

Good communication and expression skills, fast learning ability, and good sense of logic and statistical analysis;

4. 优秀的英语听说读写能力;

Excellent English reading and writing skills;

5. 具有一定的编程能力,熟悉Python、MATLAB等编程语言。

Good programming skills, familiar with Python or MATLAB.

实习岗位方向:交易岗 Derivative Product Trader

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 及时响应客户需求,提供场外衍生品报价服务;

Responding to customers' needs in a timely manner and providing quotation services on OTC derivatives;

2. 协助交易员管理风险敞口,准确无误地执行交易员的对冲指令;

Assisting traders in managing risk exposures and executing trader's hedging instructions accurately;

3. 处理日终交易的系统化簿记。

Processing end-of-day trade booking.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济、金融类、数学、计算机、电子工程等理工相关专业;

Majoring in economics, finance, mathematics, computer science, electronic engineering or other related science and engineering majors;

3. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析与统计分析能力;

Good communication and expression skills, fast learning ability, and good sense of logic;

4. 优秀的英语听说读写能力;

Excellent English reading and writing skills;

5. 具有一定的编程能力,熟悉Python、MATLAB、C++等编程语言;

Good programming skills, familiar with Python, MATLAB or C++.

实习岗位方向:策略开发岗 Strategy

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 通过处理各种结构化或非结构化的数据,利用数学模型,包括统计模型、机器学习模型、深度学习模型等,预测各种期限维度上的股票、期货的涨跌,并基于模型预测进行量化投资;

Predicting stocks and futures prices using mathematical models including statistical models, machine learning models,and making quantitative investments based on model predictions ;

2. 利用数学模型和计算机技术,开发算法交易策略,以提高交易执行的效率和收益。

Making and Developing algorithmic trading strategies to improve the efficiency and profitability, using mathematical models and computer techniques.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 数学/统计、物理、计算机、电子或其他相关理工科专业,金融知识是一个加分项,但并非必须;

Majoring in mathematics/statistics, physics, computer science or other related science and engineering majors. Financial knowledge is a plus, but not required;

3. 扎实的概率统计能力,严谨的研究习惯;

Solid probability and statistical ability, and rigorous research habits;


Strong programming skills, at least familiar with one of Python and C++.


1. 顶级的研究能力,有领先的学术成果或学科竞赛、ACM-ICPC获奖;

Top research ability, leading academic achievements or academic competition awards. (ex. ACM-ICPC);

2. 熟悉深度学习原理和基本模型,熟练使用 Tensorflow,并能够灵活的解决实际问题。有过大型机器学习、数据挖掘实践项目者优先;

Versed in deep learning principles and models, skilled in using Tensorflow, and able to solve practical problems flexibly. Experience in large machine learning, data mining practice projects is preferred;

3. 爬虫以及文本处理项目经历;

Web-crawling and text processing project experience;

4. 熟悉linux系统的非桌面环境, 良好的编码风格。

Familiar with Linux system, good coding style.


实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 构建场外期权、收益互换等场外衍生品的估值与风险管理模型;

Developing valuation and risk management models of OTC derivatives, including OTC options and total return swaps;

2. 为部门衍生品交易提供全生命周期的系统化解决方案;

Providing a systematic solution to the full lifecycle of derivatives trading;

3. 协助部门运营组完善部门全流程的自动化工作。

Assisting the operation group to improve the automation of all the business processes of the Department.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2021 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 金融数学、金融工程、或数学、物理、计算机、电子等其他相关理工科专业;

Majoring in financial mathematics, financial engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science or other related science and engineering majors;

3. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析能力;

Good communication and expression skills, quick learning ability, and good sense of logic analysis;

4. 具备较强的编程能力,熟悉Python、SQL、JavaScript等编程语言。

Strong programming skills, at least familiar with Python, SQL and JavaScript.


另类投资业务线-Alternative Investment Business Line另类投资业务线为中信证券二级市场自营交易平台,部门基本覆盖境内量化、基本面各类策略,运用股票、股指期货、商品期货、场内外期权、转债等工具获取绝对收益。

The Alternative Investment Business Line is a secondary market prop-trading hedge fund platform at CITICS. It basically covers all kinds of domestic quantitative and fundamental strategies, and seeks absolute return with the use of such investment tools as equities, stock index futures, commodity options, over-the-counter options, convertible bonds, exotic derivatives.


实习岗位方向:量化策略开发岗 Quantitative Strategy

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 协助量化策略的开发,协助研究市场的交易行为。包括但不限于因子构建,开发定价模型、对冲模型,波动率预测模型、高频 / 算法交易模型等;

Assisting in developing quantitative trading strategies, including but not limited to factor engineering, exotic pricing, hedging, volatility forecasting, and high-frequency / algorithm trading models;

2. 负责维护投研回测平台;

Maintaining and enrich the functionality of backtesting platform;

3. 负责数据的整理及统计分析。

Cleansing and analyzing big data.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济金融、数学/统计、计算机或其他理工科专业;

Major in one of the following fields: economics/business, mathematics/statistics, computer science, other science / engineering subjects;

3. 具有出色的逻辑分析能力和解决问题能力;

Exellent analytical thinking and problem-solving skills;

4. 精通Python, MATLAB或R。熟悉C++或Java是加分项;

Expert in Python, MATLAB. or R. Familiar with C++ or JAVA will be a plus;

5. 对机器学习领域的模型及应用有深入理解和实践经验是加分项;

Profound knowledge and experience in machine learning will be a plus;

6. 对财报和公司行为有深入理解是加分项;

Deep understanding on financial analysis and corporate behavior will be a plus;

7. 拥有在量化对冲平台的工作经验是加分项;

Research experience in quantitative hedge fund platform will be a plus;

8. 拥有博士学历是加分项;

Ph.D. degree will be a plus;

9. 英文表达出色。

Fluent in English.

实习岗位方向:金融科技岗 Fintech

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 协助搭建、开发并维护高频、并多发、低延时的下一代交易平台和回测平台;

Assisting in designing, developing and maintaining high-frequency trading and backtesting platform of the next generation;

2. 提升投研整体流程的自动化程度;

Improving the level of automation for trading business as a whole;

3. 高效处理各类非结构化数据,协助基于大数据策略的开发。

Processing unstructured data, and assisting in developing trading strategies based on big-data.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 理工类专业,并有相关项目开发经验;

Major in a science/engineering field with reasonable experiences in project development;

3. 具备逻辑分析能力能力、快速学习能力。有责任心、工作细致;

Well-equipped with analytical thinking and fast-learning capability. Able to take responsibility and attention to detail;

4. 精通C++,数据库,及大数据处理,对系统架构有深入理解;

Expert in C++, database operation, big data processing, and modular architecture design;

5. 对经济金融的知识储备是加分项;

Knowledge of economics / finance will be a plus;

6. 对机器学习等前沿统计应用有相关积累是加分项;

Knowledge of machine-learning and other frontier statistics will be a plus;

7. 英文表达出色。

Fluent in English.


大宗商品业务线-Commodity Business Line大宗商品业务线聚焦于商品衍生品,针对境内外企业和机构投资者客户,提供商品配置、套期保值、风险管理等专业化的金融服务。我们开展交易,做市、商品收益互换、商品场外期权等业务。

The Commodity Business Line focuses on commodity derivatives and strives to provide corporate customers and institutional investors both at home and abroad with specialized financial services in the fields of asset allocation, hedging and risk management, It provides a wide range of services, including trading, market making, commodity return swap, OTC options, etc.


实习岗位方向:销售岗 Sales

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 协助开发、服务、维护机构客户的业务合作关系,挖掘与衍生品相关的业务机会,创造各项业务收入;

Assisting in the development, service, and maintenance of business partnerships with institutional clients, exploring business opportunities related to derivatives, and creating revenues from various businesses;

2. 协助完成客户KYC,了解客户交易需求并收集整理客户信息,建立健全客户档案。

Assisting in completing customer KYC, understanding customers' transaction needs, and collecting appropriate information to establish a robust customer data system.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/20201年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2021 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济、金融、管理、会计等相关专业,具备一定的金融理论基础;

Majoring in economics, finance, management, accounting or other related majors, familiar with financial theory;

3. 优秀的英语听说读写能力;

Excellent English reading and writing skills;

4. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析能力,有较强的合规、风险控制意识。

Good communication and expression skills, fast learning ability, logical analysis ability, and good sense of compliance and risk control.

实习岗位方向:交易岗 Trader

实习工作地点:北京 Beijing

岗位职责说明1. 响应日常客户互换、期权等产品询价报价需求,定价参数观测设置,制定和执行对冲策略;

Responding to daily client flow quoting requirements for commodity swaps, options and products, developing hedging strategies and calibrating pricing parameters;

2. 面向客户对冲和投资需求,配合销售设计商品衍生产品交易和产品方案;

Assisting the sales team to deliver trading, hedging and asset management solutions required by clients;

3. 跟踪、搜集和研究板块品种基本面信息;

Following fundamentals on trading-related sectors, collecting and researching market and industry news.

任职资格要求1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生;

Domestic students graduating in 2020 and overseas students graduating in 2020/2021 with a Master's degree or above;

2. 经济类、金融类、理工类相关专业;

Major in economics, finance, science or engineering;

3. 期权定价理论基础扎实、熟悉商品衍生品交易市场者优先;

Solid understanding of options. Some knowledge of commodity derivatives market is preferred but not required;

4. 具备很好的沟通表达能力、抗压能力强;

Good communication skills. Can work under pressure;

5. 良好的英语听说读写能力;

Excellent English reading and writing skills;

6. 熟练使用Python、MATLAB、VBA等编程语言者优先。

Programming experience with Python, MATLAB and/or VBA, etc. is preferred.

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