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发布时间:2018-01-11 09:34:19 分类:备考指导 作者:鲁春会 来源:华图金领人



  1. —The show was really a great (    ).

  —That's true. People all liked it very much.

  A. failure

  B. success

  C. award

  D. progress

  【答案】B。根据答语内容People all liked it very much.大家都很喜欢, 可知答案为B, 这个演出是一个很大的成功。

  2. The American Foundation for the Blind has been trying to figure out how to make public libraries (    )to blind readers.

  A. acceptable

  B. accessible

  C. alternative

  D. attractive


  3. He didn’t tell the truth. That reason could not (    ) his absence from school.

  A. take into consideration

  B. account for

  C. make out

  D. make up for

  【答案】B。句意:他没有说出事实情况, 那个推论不能成为他旷课的原因。take into consideration考虑到,  account for说明(原因, 理由等), make out辨认出,  make up for弥补, 故选B, 最符合题意。

  4. —Bill is warm-hearted and works hard.

  —(    ) his sister Betty.

  A. So is

  B. So does

  C. Nor does

  D. It’s the same with

  【答案】D。比尔很热心肠,努力工作。他的妹妹贝蒂也这样。在助动词不一致的情况下,应用句型:It’s the same with sb,所以选D。

  5. He prefers to die rather than (    ) to his enemies.

  A. give up

  B. give out

  C. give in

  D. give off

  【答案】C。他宁愿死而不愿投降敌人,give in可以表示投降的意思,故本题选C。

  6. To their delight, their newly-developed products were not (    ) for the demand as soon as they went on the market.

  A. qualified

  B. flexible

  C. available

  D. adequate


  7. The employees consider their boss unfair and unreasonable because he is not (    ) in dealing with company affairs.

  A. consistent

  B. controversial

  C. confident

  D. conventional


  8. Since Shanghai won the right to host the World Expo, over half a million people have volunteered to (    ) in all the Shanghai Expo projects.

  A. assist

  B. apply

  C. supply

  D. provide

  【答案】A。词义辨析。A. assist帮助;参加B. apply申请C. 供给D. 提供;规定。句意:自从上海赢得举办世博会的权利以来,超过一百万人义务参加了所有上海世博会的工程。故选A。

  9. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we (    ) fine.

  A. look out

  B. stay up

  C. carry on

  D. get along

  【答案】D。我以前经常和我的父母吵架,但现在我们相处的好,get along可以表示相处的意思,故本题选D。

  10. Several Chinese films are rising to international fame, the Brokeback Mountain, (    ), directed by Ang Lee has won the Oscar Awards.

  A. such as

  B. for example

  C. namely

  D. that is

  【答案】B。such as例如,放在句中时,前没有逗号,for example例如,放在句中时,前后都有逗号,namely即,要把前面的事物列举完,that is那就是,根据语境应选B。

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